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Our Values

What is a Value?
Values are the rules of the game, something we do even when no one is watching. Leaders who clarify values and help employees define behaviors to live their values will see improved service and happy employees. Most of us don't live our values perfectly, but they are a standard by which we strive to live and do our work.

Integrity: Integrity means we keep our word. We are honest with our clients, tell them the truth even when it is not always comfortable for us or them. We only take on work that is in line with our strengths. We maintain full confidentiality. We strive to find the true cause and solution for a client rather than assuming what we have is the answer.

Service: We follow up with clients on a timely basis. We set aside time to plan and prepare for work rather than ‘wing’ it. If we don’t have a product or service that fits a client’s need, we help them find another solution. We do whatever it takes to help a client achieve the agreed upon goals. You’ll never find anyone more committed than us to helping clients achieve their goals.

Product of the Process and Personal Growth: We strive to do the things we coach our clients to do. We set and achieve short and long range goals, plan, seek and provide coaching feedback, maintain balance in our lives and are continuously improving our processes and ourselves. We seek new products and services that will help our clients.

Perseverance: Not giving up is important in our work. Many times clients may not be aware of the true cause of their problems and initially not see our work as a solution. Even when a client sees a need, the day to day pressures make it difficult to set aside time to put a change process in place. We persist in an appropriate way, maintaining our focus on helping clients get what they really want even when they may not want to do what it takes to get it.

Kindness and Caring: We are in this business because we love watching people grow, change and achieve meaningful goals. Growth and change is not always comfortable, even self-directed change. We remain calm, supportive and understanding through the change process and help our clients maintain perspective and to keep their vision in mind.

Contact us to tell us about your goals and learn about the Executive Showcase where you can experience our Behavior Change Process risk-free.

Attainment, Inc.  |  (602) 615-4163  |  (480) 991-8654 fax  |  Contact Us  |  Copyright ©  Attainment, Inc.